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Advanced training seminar for BPP Experts in Pullach

Advanced training seminar for BPP Experts in Pullach

The sun was rare this weekend, but instead it rained almost continuously in Pullach near Munich when eight BPP Experts gathered for a further training seminar at the “Hotel Seitnerhof” on 21 and 22 July.

The two lecturers, President Christian Geigle and Vice President Dr. Peter Provinsky, galloped with them through the newly created “Auditor’s Handbook” with its many regulations, in which the BPP regulates the work of its members, their relationship among themselves and their duties towards the association.

“In addition to the specialist knowledge that every BPP examiner must have for his field of study, we also want to draw attention to the association as an important institution for philately. Without a well-organized and reliable auditing system, philatelic trade would become more difficult, and probably even impossible in many areas. Here I see our task for collectors, dealers and auctioneers”, said BPP President Geigle on the fringes of the conference.

This is the fifth time that the BPP has successfully held such a seminar in recent years, in Berlin, Bonn and Munich. “Each participant contributes to the discussions. In the end, all of us, including the lecturers, go home smarter than we came,” said a satisfied Vice Dr. Provinsky on Sunday afternoon. “These seminars should be an integral part of our annual schedule.”

This year’s clear focus was the newly created “Guideline for the preparation of certificates, findings and brief reports”. But also the correct handling of test consignments and their senders, the calculation of test fees and possibilities for reducing the test duration took up a large amount of space.

“I was already here a few years ago, but I wanted to update myself again after expanding my expert area to the GDR. I really enjoyed the two days with my colleagues,” said a satisfied Dr. Ruscher before returning to Berlin.

The participants of the seminar in Pullach (from left to right): Carl Aage Möller, Bogdan Pelc, Christian Geigle, Günter Wagner, Dr. Peter Provinsky, Michael Haslau, Dr. Alexander Zill (Dr. Karsten Ruscher is missing)

The participants of the seminar in Pullach (from left to right): Carl Aage Möller, Bogdan Pelc, Christian Geigle, Günter Wagner, Dr. Peter Provinsky, Michael Haslau, Dr. Alexander Zill (Dr. Karsten Ruscher is missing)

Photo: Private


BPP consulting stand in Ulm

The Bund Philatelistischer Prüfer will be represented with an advisory stand at the International Stamp Fairin Ulm from October 24 to 26, 2024. The examiners