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Three presidents in one fell swoop!

In the recent special issue “People of Philately” you will find among the nineteen portraits those of the Honorary Presidents Günter Bechtold and Dr Hans-Karl Penning as well as the current President Christian Geigle. Four more personalities are there with Wolfgang Jakubek, Karl Louis, Roland Meiners and Andreas Schlegel who are members of the BPP. The large presence and importance of the BPP in German philately is again evident here. Below are the “president portraits” as a download.


Hans-Dieter Schlegel, Berlin

Hans-Dieter Schlegel has announced that he will no longer be working on the Allied Control Council expertizing area with immediate effect and requests that future

Extensions to the expertizing areas:

Prof. Dr. Faycal El Majdoub Expertizing area: German occupation issues 1939/45 Donation vignettes/private issues Dr. Johannes Hoffner Expertizing area: Switzerland from 1907 (from Michel No.